โ€” Get to know us โ€”

About Venopi

Venopi is an all-inclusive event planning platform connecting organisers with curated venues and trusted suppliers. With a seamless booking process, diverse options, and a focus on inclusivity, Venopi simplifies event planning, ensuring memorable experiences for corporate events, weddings, parties, and more.

Events are our passionTech is our solidity

Slide vendors


People matters the most for Venopi.
We motivate, support, and keep each other in check.

Ivana Setiawan

Ivana has written code since 2010 โ€” a self-taught aspie software engineer passionate about building products. She dreams of making Venopi a global brand that will impact many people's lives.

Ivana does whatever is needed to push Venopi forward. From writing the code, UI and UX design, sales and content.


Savvoula is our EU fundraiser. Representing Venopi and working on establishing international cooperations, she is dedicated to creating positive change and supporting Venopi's work at a European level.

Savvoula is involved in networking, international cooperation and EU funding.

Gaurav Kapoor

Gaurav is our backend engineer. Writing reusable, testable, and efficient backend code is his main task. He's been involved with Venopi since the beginning and has proven to be a great asset to the team.

He ensures the ongoing availability and development of the IT infrastructure.

Myra Micheline

Myra is our content creator and marketeer.
An entrepreneur at heart, she understands our customers' and suppliers' needs well because she has experiences in both worlds.

We always describe her as someone who will go the extra mile and more!

Our values

What keeps us together...


Venopi was founded to help people. We aren't interested in building cool things simply because they are hip. Our aim is to deliver a useful platform that fixes a problem and helps the community.


Our agile background has made transparency intrinsic to us. Stay unbiased and open to new ideas, and never ever be afraid to make mistakes. It happens, that's OK.


At Venopi, we are united and we are uniting. We strongly believe in teamwork and networking, which goes hand in hand with our mission to connect people to locations that fit their needs.


Our main goal is to provide GREAT service. Why? Because we treat others as we wish to be treated and we always go the extra mile, or two. Be nice, it doesn't cost you anything.


'Do more with less' - that may be a motto, but for us - also a necessity. Reality is - we are a startup and often have to make do with what's available. And you know what, we are good at it!

Have fun

Stay curious, discuss books, do experiments, challenge yourselves. This startup world can be overwhelming, make sure it also remains fun. Life is too short, don't spend it inside a box.

Venopi Culture Code

Venopi Culture Code is forked from one of the best companies to work for, Hubspot. The content of this is from many sources, from Master of Scale by Reid Hoffman, Zero to One by Peter Thiel, to multiple different sources that inspire us to create Venopi Culture Code.